Rekeying a Lock: A Comprehensive Guide

Rekeying a lock is an effective way to save time and money, especially when you need to access multiple locks with the same key. With the right tools and a bit of knowledge, you can easily rekey a lock yourself. In this article, we'll provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to rekey a lock step-by-step.

What You'll Need

To rekey a lock, you'll need a key change kit and the current lock key.

Some locks, such as bolts, may require a special kit for rekeying.

Step 1: Remove the Lock Cylinder

The first step is to remove the lock cylinder from the door. This is usually done by unscrewing the screws that hold it in place. Once you've removed the cylinder, you'll be able to access the pins inside.

Step 2: Insert the New Key

Next, insert the new key into the lock cylinder. This will allow you to access the pins inside.

Depending on the type of lock, you may need to use a special tool to remove them.

Step 3: Replace the Pins

Once you've removed the old pins, replace them with new ones from your key change kit. Make sure they are inserted correctly and that they fit snugly in place.

Step 4: Reassemble the Lock Cylinder

Once all of the pins are in place, reassemble the lock cylinder and screw it back into place. You should now be able to use your new key to open and close the lock.

Step 5: Test Your New Key

Finally, test your new key to make sure it works properly. If it does not work, double check that all of the pins are in place and that they are inserted correctly.

Rekeying a lock is an easy process that can save you time and money. With the right tools and knowledge, you can easily rekey a lock yourself. Just remember to test your new key before using it.

Mamie Newball
Mamie Newball

Extreme social media guru. Hardcore analyst. Lifelong music specialist. Total travel geek. Wannabe music evangelist. Professional tv maven.